Certification referees
1/05/2025 - 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
An interactive webinar to support certification applicants and their referees (optional) to deepen their understanding of the referee process in Certification 2.0.
Participants - Certification EOI cohort 2025 and their refereesLocation - Webinar
Applicants should read the ‘Guidelines for Certification Referees’, ‘FAQ – Certification Application Referees’ and ‘Highly Accomplished Teacher/Lead Teacher Referee Verification Form’ and view the information session ‘The role of the certification application referee’ before the webinar if possible. These resources should also be viewed by referees if they would like to attend. During the webinar join with the certification team to building on learnings from these resources through discussions, activities and having the opportunity to ask questions. This webinar was offered in term 1, 2025 and teachers or referees who attended are welcome to attend again.